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What Can I Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Phew - you finally did it! You weren't looking forward to it, but we're sure that you're just glad it's over! And now comes the healing process. Don't worry, it'll be over before you know it...but in the meantime, what should you eat?

Well, for starters, it's probably not a good idea to go for crunchy, hard foods that may irritate the wounds and or scratch anywhere in your mouth.

Same with spicy - it might be irritating.

Avoid alcohol after wisdom teeth extraction because it can delay healing time.

You also don't want to go for any drinks that are too hot (which can burn your mouth and make things more uncomfortable). Make a special note for yourself while you're still numb, not to go for anything hot - because once the numbness wears off, you don't want to be surprised with a burn on top of the discomfort from the extraction.

If you're drinking liquids, do NOT use a straw. Nope, we didn't just go all environmental on you - drinking from a straw can create a suctioning effect and pressure that may dislodge a blood clot and...well, it can not only postpone healing, but it can also lead to a painful, inflammatory condition called 'dry socket'.

What do we recommend then?

1) Drink Soups or Broths.

We like creamy soups, sometimes bisques, chowders, and we find that noodles in soup is a good option when you're recovering. Depending on the situation, you might consider cutting the noodles into smaller, manageable pieces though!

2) Smoothie Bowls

We absolutely LOVE the newer trend of smoothie bowls - that you eat with a spoon (you know, instead of using a straw to drink it up!) Make a thicker smoothie base using nourishing fruits (and even veggies), then top with some soft berries, some soft banana slices, some soft mango. Or if you're not up for chewing solids, just leave the top plain.

It might be a good idea to do seedless fruits - because the seeds can get stuck in the wound openings and might be difficult to clean.

3) Congee

We go for congee whenever we're sick and it is actually perfect for recovering from wisdom teeth removal. For those unfamiliar with the dish - it's usually made with white rice with a waterier, soup-like consistency.

4) Yogurt

Top with fruits or not, yogurt is a fabulous way to get your calcium in which - bonus - strengthens your teeth (urm - your remaining teeth, anyways!) It's also super smooth and easy-to-eat, so go for it.

5) Mashed Veggies

Yup, you can do mashed potatoes - and you can also switch it up buy doing mashed cauliflower, mashed parsnips, mashed sweet potato, mashed carrot - LOL, those last ones start sounding like baby food, but it's one way to get your nutrients in!

6) Ice Cream

Well, we know - this technically isn't supposed to be a main meal - but if you've recently had your wisdom teeth removed, you might want a little extra happiness in your life! Go for soft-serve. Go for plain ice cream with no hard bits. Go for sherbets or sorbets. Go for non-dairy versions.

7) Porridge

Traditionally used as a healthy breakfast to kick-start your day, softened oats can be a healthful addition, that doesn't require a lot of chewing! Now's the time to break out the instant oats, quick oats or five-min oats - which are usually softer than something like steel-cut oats or Scottish oats.

8) Soft Pasta or Soft Rice

Just cook these a little longer than usual. This might be the time to choose white pasta products and white rice rather than their more fibrous, tougher-to-eat whole wheat pasta/brown rice versions.

9) Scrambled Eggs

If you're concerned about protein intake while you heal - go ahead and scramble some eggs. They're soft enough for recovery and they're jam packed with all the essential amino acids.

10) Avocado

If you're the type who can never figure out when an avocado is ripe, we hear you. If they're rock-hard, it's not suitable for a regular person, let alone one who just had their wisdom teeth removed! But one it starts to ripen, there's a little give when you press on its skin. If you're worried about bruising it, press the little nub at the top - it it doesn't cave inward, it's not ripe enough. If it goes down a bit and comes back up, it might just be at the perfect ripeness.

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