Navigating the ALFIE Dentistry Patient Portal

Since March last year when COVID-19 hit Canada, businesses throughout the country was pivoting. And of course, we were no different.
One of the tools we really started getting enthused about was the ALFIE Dentistry Patient Portal - which people can also access from our website if they have an account set up already.
If you are an existing patient but don't have an account set up yet, please email us so we can send you an invitation. **Please note that invitation links expire after 24 hours, but after it is set up, you can still access it from any page on our website.
Here is a screenshot of our homepage - the link to our Patient Portal is on the upper righthand side of the menu, circled in the image below.

Once you are logged in, you can access educational videos about dentistry and view upcoming appointments. We strongly encourage everyone to register before your appointment and keep your login info and password in a safe place (because the average person often goes a few months without visiting us, it is easy to forget your login info. **This is assuming that you have no pending treatment and that all you're coming in for is routine hygiene and checkups!)
Before each visit, please be sure to log into the portal to check if you have any forms that need to be completed. From the home screen, forms are located in the bottom righthand corner:

Please be sure to complete every form that is listed there. For example, this patient (Figure 4) has 3 forms that need to be completed before their appointment. Please click on each form and be sure to scroll all the way down to digitally complete and sign them. For simplicity sake, family forms can be accessed by one head of house - so you won't have to remember 10 different passwords for one family. The name of the patient will be noted on top of each form to reduce confusion (this one has been cropped out to protect patient privacy)!

The ALFIE Dentistry Patient Portal can also be accessed from your smartphone - so don't be afraid to come early to your appointment - you can use our wifi connection and sign on - with or without our assistance 😀). Simply open up our website and the menu is located at the upper right hand corner of your screen (circled below - on Figure 5). Alternatively, you can also scroll down just a little bit, and there will be a large purple button for you to access the Patient Portal (see image below -Figure 6).
Figure 5 Figure 6

Once you are able to follow the link, the screen and layout is more or less the same as on desktop - you may have to zoom in to the login screen (Figure 7).
If you have forgotten the password you have set, just hit 'forgot password'.
If you forgot which email you have used previously, you can give us a quick call.
The welcome screen and forms are both in the same format as the desktop version (see below for screen captures - Figures 8 and 9).
Figure 8 Figure 9
***Especially during the pandemic, we are asking as much as possible for each patient booked to log into the ALFIE Dentistry Patient Portal before their appointment. This is to minimize touch-points at the office, so as not to transfer potential pathogens between persons.
There is an important COVID-19 Screening which must be signed and submitted - and this one is to be repeated if 14 days have elapsed since you last filled it in. There is also the COVID-19 Acknowledgement Form, which must be completed once. Please be patient as we are all doing our best in trying to get through this pandemic.
Some people have been having problems signing in for the first time and receive a message of 'incorrect postal code'. In this case, just email us and we will send you what we have in the software - it might be an old address if you haven't updated/visited us recently. Once you are able to log in, you should be able to change it within the patient portal. ***Please verify that all information changed is correct (we do have a fun story where one patient accidentally changed her name to her son's name - and it automatically updated into our software as well)!
If you have any other trouble logging into the Patient Portal before your visit, try a different internet browser. If that doesn't work, don't hesitate to give us a quick call so we can help you to get set up - sometimes it's a glitch in the system and sometimes submitting a different email address also works. Our office phone number is (416) 226-6688 and we are looking forward to walking you through this process.